Sunday, September 26, 2010

Alpha and Omega

This movie was about these wolves who wanted to get home. The girl's name was Kate, and the boy's name was Humphrey. They got caught by these guns that shot bow and arrows, and it made them tired so they went to sleep, and these guys put them in cages.

A funny part was when Humphrey had to go to the bathroom! The girl said, "Can't you hold it? Did you try crossing? Squeezing?" Humphrey said, "Yes!" Kate said, "Okay, when we stop." Then, when they stopped, he tried, but he lost the feeling. It was weird.

Another funny part was when a wolf was going "Ah-wo-wo-wo-wo!" When the birds heard him, their wings stopped and they fell to the ground. His howl was wo weird!

Then, a goose asked Kate, "Would you like to repopulate?" Kate said, "Argh!" and Humphrey said, "Sounds good to me!" Kate said, "Uh, NO!"

In the end, Kate and Humphrey got back home, and they got to marry each other. At the beginning of the movie, they didn't really know each other, but by the end, they knew each other very well.

A sad part was when Kate got hit by a heard of antelopes, and she almost died. All of the wolves were so sad, they were almost crying. But, she was still alive, and she got better. Humphrey was glad that Kate was still alive.

Thank you for reading Cinema with Sarah. See you later! Good bye.

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