Sunday, September 26, 2010

Alpha and Omega

This movie was about these wolves who wanted to get home. The girl's name was Kate, and the boy's name was Humphrey. They got caught by these guns that shot bow and arrows, and it made them tired so they went to sleep, and these guys put them in cages.

A funny part was when Humphrey had to go to the bathroom! The girl said, "Can't you hold it? Did you try crossing? Squeezing?" Humphrey said, "Yes!" Kate said, "Okay, when we stop." Then, when they stopped, he tried, but he lost the feeling. It was weird.

Another funny part was when a wolf was going "Ah-wo-wo-wo-wo!" When the birds heard him, their wings stopped and they fell to the ground. His howl was wo weird!

Then, a goose asked Kate, "Would you like to repopulate?" Kate said, "Argh!" and Humphrey said, "Sounds good to me!" Kate said, "Uh, NO!"

In the end, Kate and Humphrey got back home, and they got to marry each other. At the beginning of the movie, they didn't really know each other, but by the end, they knew each other very well.

A sad part was when Kate got hit by a heard of antelopes, and she almost died. All of the wolves were so sad, they were almost crying. But, she was still alive, and she got better. Humphrey was glad that Kate was still alive.

Thank you for reading Cinema with Sarah. See you later! Good bye.

Despicable Me

There were a LOT of funny parts in Despicable Me! In one scene, a little boy's ice cream fell on the ground, and a bad guy offered him a little animal balloon. He gave it to the bad guy and the kid was squeezing it and teh bad guy wanted it to pop. He took a needle and poked the balloon and the balloon popped on his face! Another funny part was when the guy, Victor, a bad guy, took a bite out of the cookies that the girls were selling, and they were actually fake! There were wires in the cookies--they were actually little cookie robots! Victor didn't really taste the difference.
Another funny part was when the girls and another bad guy were at the fair. There were these games, and one was one where they tried to shoot the spaceship down. The bad guy was like, "I saw her get it with my own eyes!" The guy running the game said, "I don't believe you!" The bad guy took a real gun and shot the spaceship and said, "Okay, she wins!" Then the girl got the toy unicorn.
The story was about the bad guy and the girls, and the minions. The minions were little yellow plankton, but without the antennae. They were kind of like the bad guy's assistants. They didn't really talk, they just made little squeaky noises.
The saddest part of the movie was when Victor stole the kids. It made the other bad guy sad, and turned him into a good guy. When they were on the ship, one of the girls was left behind. The other guy shouted, "Just jump! I promise I'll never do it again!" She jumped, and Victor caught her and she said, "Wait one second..." because Victor was like, "Oh no you don't," and the other bad guy said "Just fight him!" and she tried to jump, but fell down into the sky. Then, the minions and the other bad guy had to try to catch her, so the minions held on to each other and they caught the girl! They were hanging by a thread!
At the end, the other guy turned into a good guy, and he adopted the kids. Victor was stranded on the moon forever! It was a good ending for the good guys, but not the bad guys. The minions turned into good guys, too, along with their owner. Then, the girls had their dance recital, and the bad guy came to it. The minions changed the music, and they all got to go up on stage and dance. Even Victor could hear the music on the moon, and he started shaking his booty!
Thanks for reading Cinema with Sarah. See you later!

Tales of the Lost Guardians

The coolest thing about this movie is that it was in 3-D! Things always popped out at me, and it looked like I could touch them. For example, there was smoke, water, and the owl's beak that looked like I could touch them.
The owl hatchlings were really cute. Two owl brothers were also in the movie. One of them turned out to be nice, and the other turned out to be mean. He tried to destroy his brother, but he fell in fire, so the good brother won, but he was kind of sad, because it was his brother.
The scariest part in the movie was when all of the owls got in a fight. It was bad owls vs. good owls. The good owls were like knights, and they were trying to keep the king safe. In the end, they were able to keep the king safe--the good owls won! The bad guys all died. That made me feel happy, because that means the good guys won. Bad guys are mean, and probably would have hurt many more owls.
The saddest part was when someone stole the little hatchlings from their parents. They were going to try to make them fly, but they told the hatchlings to be quiet. The hatchlings were finally returned to their parents. Some of them got hurt, but none of them died.
There weren't really any funny parts in this movie. But, I was happy, because the kids were returned to their parents. Their parents really loved them! I would like to be returned to my parents if someone took me!
Thanks for reading "Cinema with Sarah!" See you later!