Sunday, September 26, 2010

Despicable Me

There were a LOT of funny parts in Despicable Me! In one scene, a little boy's ice cream fell on the ground, and a bad guy offered him a little animal balloon. He gave it to the bad guy and the kid was squeezing it and teh bad guy wanted it to pop. He took a needle and poked the balloon and the balloon popped on his face! Another funny part was when the guy, Victor, a bad guy, took a bite out of the cookies that the girls were selling, and they were actually fake! There were wires in the cookies--they were actually little cookie robots! Victor didn't really taste the difference.
Another funny part was when the girls and another bad guy were at the fair. There were these games, and one was one where they tried to shoot the spaceship down. The bad guy was like, "I saw her get it with my own eyes!" The guy running the game said, "I don't believe you!" The bad guy took a real gun and shot the spaceship and said, "Okay, she wins!" Then the girl got the toy unicorn.
The story was about the bad guy and the girls, and the minions. The minions were little yellow plankton, but without the antennae. They were kind of like the bad guy's assistants. They didn't really talk, they just made little squeaky noises.
The saddest part of the movie was when Victor stole the kids. It made the other bad guy sad, and turned him into a good guy. When they were on the ship, one of the girls was left behind. The other guy shouted, "Just jump! I promise I'll never do it again!" She jumped, and Victor caught her and she said, "Wait one second..." because Victor was like, "Oh no you don't," and the other bad guy said "Just fight him!" and she tried to jump, but fell down into the sky. Then, the minions and the other bad guy had to try to catch her, so the minions held on to each other and they caught the girl! They were hanging by a thread!
At the end, the other guy turned into a good guy, and he adopted the kids. Victor was stranded on the moon forever! It was a good ending for the good guys, but not the bad guys. The minions turned into good guys, too, along with their owner. Then, the girls had their dance recital, and the bad guy came to it. The minions changed the music, and they all got to go up on stage and dance. Even Victor could hear the music on the moon, and he started shaking his booty!
Thanks for reading Cinema with Sarah. See you later!

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