Friday, December 24, 2010

Yogi Bear

This movie was about how much Yogi liked to steal picnic baskets! I missed the first 10 minutes of it, so I can't tell you about the very beginning, but I can tell you about the part I saw. (My grandma and I were kind of late.)

A scary part in this movie was when Yogi was water skiing, but he didn't listen to the ranger. The ranger told him NOT to steal any food or get into trouble, but he got in trouble anyway. He water skied and played with fire and his scarf caught on fire! He played with a fire torch! The ranger caught the torch, and saved the fireworks! But, Yogi's scarf caught the fireworks on fire anyway, and they shot towards the people, and the people ran away from the party.

In one part of the movie, there was a frog-mouthed turtle. His mouth was really big, and his tongue was like a frog's. He had the same details as a frog, but was a turtle.

One time, Yogi stole a whole table of food. The ranger came chasing after him. The funny part was when this dog was at the end of the table. He just laid there, and enjoyed the ride!

This movie was cool because it was in 3-D. The snout of Yogi's nose sort of wooshed out at us! Yogi also had a friend--his name was Boo Boo. He was in 3-D, too!

There was kind of a scary part in this movie. They were all on the river, and they were heading for the waterfall. They almost went down the waterfall. When they got caught on a branch, Yogi was like laying down and screaming! Even though they weren't going down the waterfall, he was screaming anyway! That was scary and funny at the same time.

This part scared my grandma: When Yogi picked up a worm from a tree, and said, "Pretend it's a gummy worm, pretend it's a gummy worm," and he ate it! Then, it shot out his nose! It looked really gross in 3-D! Boo Boo was like, "Eew."

Another funny part was when Yogi danced! He said, "Kick it, Boo Boo!" and turned on some weird music, and was shaking his booty! That part really made me laugh!

Thank you for visiting Cinema with Sarah. Good bye!


This movie was about a girl named Repunzel. Her mom was a bad woman. She took Repunzel from her real parents when Repunzel was a baby. The mother wouldn't let her go outside, because there were bad creatures out there that could hurt her, like guards.

Another character in the movie was Eugene. Repunzel didn't want her mom to see Eugene. Her mom thinks humans can hurt Rupunzel, so that's why Rupunzel hid Eugene in her closet.

The best part of the movie was at the end, when Eugene and Repunzel killed Repunzel's mother!

There was this yellow, glowing flower that made Repunzel's hair glow. When she sang, her hair glowed. She sang a lot, so her hair glowed a lot.

The scariest part of the movie was when Eugene almost died. The evil mother shot him (I think), but he didn't die. He cut Repunzel's hair really short, then it turned all brown and curly. Then, the evil mother turned very old, and tripped over Repunzel's hair. She fell out the window of the castle and when she hit the ground, she turned to dust (because she was so old!).

The funniest part of the movie was when the chameleon, Repunzel's pet, was on Eugene's shoulder and he started hitting Eugene with his tongue, but Eugene didn't wake up. He kept on sleeping. Then the chameleon shot his tongue in Eugene's ear, and he was like, "Aah!" Then, Repunzel hit him on the head with a pan!

Another funny part was when Repunzel was trying to put Eugene in the closet. She kept going, "Ugh!" because he wasn't going easily into the closet. She got him in, then closed the door on his fingers. But he didn't scream, because he wasn't awake. Repunzel kept hitting him with a frying pan, because she didn't want her mother to know that she was hanging out with a human.

Another funny part was when this Viking looked like a clown-girl. It was really a boy! He kept dancing and it was weird!

It was really sad when Eugene almost died, which I already explained.

The movie ended when Repunzel went back to her parents, who were actually a real king and queen. I don't really know what happened to Eugene.

Thank you for visiting Cinema with Sarah! See you later! Bye!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The main characters in "Megamind" were Metroman, Megamind (of course), Minion (his assistant) and Titan. In the movie, Megamind is a bad guy. He tries to kill Metroman, because Metroman is a hero, and Megamind refuses to have a hero. Metroman likes freedom and happy stuff. He doesn't want people to get killed.

Megamind became a bad guy because when he was in school, he invented something that burned everyone. There was black smoke all over him. He was trying to act like Metroman, because he wanted to be a hero, too, but he kept sitting in the corner of the class while the other children were learning. He thought to himself, "What if I could be the most meanest person of all?" Then he blew up the whole school!

Megamind ran away from jail and went back to his hideout and tried to talk to Metroman. Megamind said, "You've fallen right into my trap!" Metroman said, "My power is weak!" When Metroman tried to explain what he did, he was faking it, because his powers were really NOT weak! Metroman giggled, because he was teasing Megamind.

Right after that, a different building blew up, and Megamind was responsible. Metroman faked his death, and Megamind felt bad about it, because he thought that the skull he found was actually real, but it wasn't. It was just a weird little skeleton. Then, a girl that was trapped gasped, and thought that Metroman actually did get killed. But Metroman was still alive in his hideout, and he grew a beard! But people still recognized him.

Minion teased Megamind, because Minion was dressed up as the warden of the jail. He had this watch on that could help him change into different people. It was a really cool watch! Then, Minion said, "Sorry, you've still got another 100 years in jail!" Then, Megamind said, "Here's all my black heart can say--I'm sorry!" Then, Minion showed who he really was, and he released Megamind from jail. The real warden was tied up in a rope!

The funniest part of the movie was when Megamind used the watch to turn himself into another person (I forget his name). He went out on a date with this girl, and it was kind of funny! When they kissed each other, the girl touched the button to turn him back into Megamind, but she was actually kissing the REAL Megamind! It was so weird!

The scariest part of the movie was when Titan tied up the same girl on a very tall building. He tried to light the building on fire and knock it over, and tried to make her die (Titan was not a good guy--he was sort of a bad guy). Megamind rescued the girl! And here's the cool part: Megamind had an invisible car! He tried to escape in it to go and rescue the girl.

Another funny part is when Megamind was still a bad guy. He said, "Bring out the black mamba!" The black mamba is a cape, and he wore it. It was different than his usual cape. Capes usually have a triangle thing around the head, but this one was HUGE! It looked kind of scary! The black mamba is a snake, which is also scary!

At the end, I didn't feel frightened, because Megamind and the girl found Metroman. She told Megamind, when he found this robe that Metroman wore, "You look good in white!" Everyone became friends at the end, except for Titan. Everyone else lived happily ever after!

Thank you for visiting Cinema with Sarah! Good bye!