Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mirror Mirror

This story is based on "Snow White," the story of a princess who was poor and the stepmother was rich.  The stepmother had fancy clothes and the princess didn't.  The stepmother was being really mean to the princess, and making her do all the chores.  Then, the princess escaped into the woods.  Then, she found this man hanging upside down on a tree, hung up by a rope.  He didn't have a shirt on!  She took the man she found into the castle and showed him to the queen.  The queen thought he was so handsome she wanted to marry him.  The man said "Okay."  

One of the funny parts in the movie was when the queen got this love potion, they had wine together, and the queen put the love potion into the wine that the man was drinking.  Then he started to act like a dog!  He was saying, "Oh, scratch my back--I have an itchy spot!"  He was also panting!  Then, the queen looked at the love potion again.  It said, "Love" on the bottle, and then the queen said, "Love."  Then she turned the bottle around and it had a puppy on the back!  Then she said, "Puppy love!"

A scary part in the movie was when a beast showed up in the forest when the princess went in with the man.  The beast chased them around the forest.  He was really fast.  He looked like half-dragon, half-snake, and also a lizard.  He also looked sort of human.  The man and the princess were fighting the monster as hard as they could.  Finally, the man gave the princess his dad's dagger that he gave to her.  Then, she noticed the beast had this necklace on, and she cut the necklace off.  Then, the beast turned into the princess's father!

When they got back to the castle, the wedding between the queen and the man was getting started.  Everybody thought that the king was dead, but he turned out to be the beast.  Then the princess and the man started talking to each other during the dancing, making friends with each other.  The queen's magic mirror was in a deep, dark hallway.  All she had to say to get in was "Mirror, mirror," then the mirror turned into a hologram that makes you disappear.  There was this little house above the water, and there were all these pictures of the queen, and one of them talked.  It said something will happen to you if you use too much magic, and you already have.  Finally, her magic did do something to her--it made her very old.  

Then, the queen did the magic apple trick on the princess.  The very different part is that the princess didn't fall for it!  She said, "Nice try, Mother!"  She recognized that the queen was going to give her a poisonous apple.  And the princess and the new prince who was friends with the princess lived happily ever after!

Thanks for visiting Cinema with Sarah!  Bye!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Lorax

I really enjoyed seeing the Lorax!  I can't remember all of the names, but it was about a kid who wanted to save the last real trees on earth.  He found out about a young man (the Onceler) who, a long time ago, had a factory that made thneeds (like scarves).  He had to cut down all of the trefula trees to make them out of the soft tops.  The reason he did this was to make a lot of money.

Eventually, he ran out of trees, and the world looked in real damage.  The lesson of this movie was to never cut down a tree unless it just falls down by itself.  The only good thing to do would be to never cut down a tree.  If there were no trees, the air wouldn't be as healthy, and it would destroy the world.  It would make Mother Nature very unhappy.  Plus, the birds would have no trees to put their nests in.

The man who made the thneeds got a little greedy because of the money.  Being greedy can make horrible things happen.  That is a fact!  

At the end, the Onceler gave the boy the last trefula tree seed so he could plant it in the middle of town.  He had some trouble with the bad guys who tried to get the seed from him to try to steal the seed and defeat him, but in the end, the seed was planted!  And everyone lived happily ever after with their new tree.

Thanks for visiting Cinema with Sarah!  Bye!


The movie "Chimpanzee" was great!  The main characters in the movie are Oscar, Eesha, Freddie and Scar.  Oscar is the baby chimp, and Eesha is his mother.  Freddie is the leader of Oscar and Eesha's group, and Scar is the leader of the rival group.  

In this movie, Eesha is killed by members of Scar's crew.  After she is killed, Oscar was all alone.  He tried to ask other chimps to adopt him and be his friend, but they scared him away.  All of the other mothers already had their own babies to take care of.  They couldn't adopt Oscar.  Then, one day, Oscar asked Freddie, a really big, old male, if he would adopt him. Freddie said yes, and the two of them got along really nicely.  Freddy helped Oscar learn how to smash nut shells with rocks and sticks.  He also taught him how to scoop up ants with a stick.  It was almost like fishing for ants--ants on a stick!

The scariest part of the movie was when Oscar's mother got killed, and the chimps were making loud drumming sounds on the logs.  Those drumming sounds meant, "Attack!  Attack!"  Another thing that made that scene so scary was that it was raining really hard--there was lots of thunder and lightning hitting the trees and making explosions and a lot of damage.

The funniest scene in the movie was when Freddie was teaching Oscar to eat a certain kind of fruit.  As they ate the fruit, they sucked the juice out of it, and stuck the fruit out on the ends of their lips!  It looked really funny!

It was really cool how the filmmakers went into the rainforest and survived that long.  There were a lot of dangerous animals, like leopards and snakes and army ants.  

One message in this movie is that Oscar never gave up.  Even though he missed his mom, he still kept going and never gave up.  He was so brave to ask Freddie for help, because usually the big males don't help to raise the children.

I would recommend for you to go see this movie.  If you've already seen it, then go see it again!  I think chimps are pretty special.  The thing that makes them so much like us is their fingers!  They use their hands like we do, but they are better climbers!

Thanks for visiting Cinema with Sarah!  Bye!